Theme Installation

This theme requires WordPress > 4.0.x

For proper installation please follow the next steps. Also please check the WordPress installation guide, which you find here Installing WordPress

FTP Installation

  1. First of all, your server should support PHP 5.3.x. You will also need an installation of WordPress . If you don’t have one, download it from here and follow instructions on the WordPress site on how to install it correctly.
  2. If you have a running installation of WordPress , place the theme files from the download into the “themes” folder. The path to this folder should be something like /WordPress _install_dir/wp-content/themes/. Make sure that all theme files (without the PSDs and help files !) are in the separate folder called “Villenoir”. The path to the theme files should be /WordPress _install_dir/wp-content/themes/Villenoir upon completion of this step.
  3. Access you WordPress Admin Interface. It should be available at
  4. In the left menu, find Appearance tab. Click on it and a submenu will appear. Then click on Themes.
  5. The themes screen should show all of your installed themes.
  6. Find Villenoir theme and hit Activate.

Through WP administration panel

  1. Log in to WordPress admin interface
  2. Select the Appearance panel, then Themes
  3. Select Install Themes
  4. Use the submenu and click on Upload. Choose the file from the package you downloaded from ThemeForest and click Install now.

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